DEMO OR DIE is scheduled to run for 24 months due to the high workload linked to the development of the five IOs and their articulation with the implementation of National and European learning and cooperation Activities (A). As such, the project foresees the development of different activities, which methodological procedure is presented below:
A1 - Analysis of functionalities:
- During the first 3 months of the project, the activities will include develop a Database for 3D Printing Design containing Common Design Software Functionalities, which is a critical starting point since it requires an understanding of user requirements, production capabilities as well as the software functionality to realize the product solution;
- IO1 will be helpful to define the Learning Units contents and structured to be developed in IO2;
- The Database will be available in English.
A2 - Development and implementation of Online course / modules and tools:
- Mostly along the 1st year, the Online Course Modules and both learning, and assessment tools will be developed;
- A2 will continue for the second year, in order to accommodate the review and adjustment resulting from the implementation taking place after the National Pilots in M12;
- Results will be available in English and translated into Portuguese, Spanish and Greek.
A3 - Adaptation and implementation into learning platforms:
- The analysis and implementation of developed Online Course /Modules, including its learning and assessment tools, into existing platforms such as Wiseflow, Blackboard, Moodle or other similar platforms will take 18 months to be fully developed. This activity will be coextensive with IO2; IO3 and IO4 development, and will continue after the National Pilots (M14) until the end of the project in M24;
- The results will be available in English and translated into Portuguese, Spanish and Greek
A4 - Analysis of functionalities:
- One learning activity will be conducted in the 1st year to capacitate trainers towards the effective implementation of 3D Printing Design Online Course / Modules and its learning and assessment tools.
A5 - Analysis of functionalities:
- Both National and European Conferences will take place in the 2nd year in each partner country with stakeholders from Industry; Research Centers and Education, including EWF sectoral members from 30 European Countries;
- The conference will allow partners and stakeholders to discuss the project results (from IO1 to IO5) and create networking opportunities.
A6 - Quality Assurance and Evaluation:
- Will be a continuous activity throughout the project duration;
- A6 will address the development of a quality plan and evaluation strategy with milestones and KPIs to be used on the project’s management;
- Will include the development and implementation of evaluation tools to gather participants satisfaction and feedback;
- Will carry out mid-term and final evaluation and reporting for identification of possible risks and needs if project re-engineering and improvement actions, including project impact's analysis.
A7 - Marketing & Dissemination:
- Will be a continuous activity throughout the project and undertaken by all partners;
- A7 will define the agreement on marketing and dissemination strategy, including an action plan, target groups and time frame; website features and content design; project identity (including the logo and color scheme), production of dissemination materials (Flyers, Booklets, Newsletters and Articles, etc.); regular communications on social media and other valorisation channels.
A8 - Exploitation & Sustainability:
- Will be a continuous activity along the project undertaken by all partners;
- A8 will address to the Exploitation and sustainability plan descriptors and time frame; development of a guide to boost the transferability to other European countries;
- Will include the reporting and the conference development;
- Will highlight that all IOs developed during the project will play an important role for sustainability and transfer to other qualifications, organisations and countries.
A9 - Project Management:
- Will be a continuous activity addressing to the development of the Management toolkit;
- A9 will contemplate the organisation and coordination of periodic meetings (both physical and online) and its outcomes (agenda, attendance lists, partners' presentations and minutes);
- Will address the coordination and control of financial and administrative issues, as well as risk assessment analysis;
- IO1 will be helpful to define the Learning Units contents and structured to be developed in IO2;
- Will include the project reporting and regular communications with the National Agency.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible
for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.